As a result of the pandemic, numerous behavioral shifts have occurred, not only does the epidemic prevention measurements changed the way we work/study, but also one of the biggest changes, from a business perspective, e-commerce has been taken over our lives.
Canadians have become more digital-savvy, online shopping for clothing, food, or even lifestyle products has become a trend or habit.
Amid economic disruption brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have shown that apart from the food and beverage subsector, in-store sales including general merchandise stores, health, and personal care stores, as well as a building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers, experienced sharp declines. Meanwhile, the in-store sales reduced for the subsectors mentioned above, and e-commerce sales escalated. It is obvious that e-commerce industries have outperformed traditional physical stores.
Since new shopping habits are formed by local customers during the lockdowns and reopening, it is time to replace in-store purchases with online purchases as the “new normal”.
LinkedMarts, a new e-commerce platform, has decided to play an important role in the ‘new normal’. We provide various daily necessities and luxuries to customers. Wherever you go, whenever you are, join our LinkedMarts family now to shop without moving an inch!
Checkout our selected products to improve the hardware of your living: https://linkedmarts.com/shop/home-living/